CBD for Horses with Arthritis

Posted on January 30th, 2022 to CBD for Horses

Is CBD Good For Horses With Arthritis?

CBD is proving to be a popular choice for those looking for holistic treatments. However, there are few studies with horses and CBD. There is, however, a plethora of studies and papers detailing how CBD could assist in the treatment and possible reversal of arthritic damage. While there are few Equine CBD studies, there is a wealth of positive anecdotal reports. The majority of responses from people using CBD for horses are positive, and if we look at these real-life examples, we can see that the way CBD interacts with a horses’ endocannabinoid system is much the same as it does with humans, and this is generally the case amongst most mammals. Side effects are minimal and are well tolerated.

How CBD Works For Horses

Just like us humans, horses have an Endocannabinoid System. In fact, most mammals have an endocannabinoid system. This ECS system is the receptor system that interacts with cannabinoids present in CBD products, or just CBD if you are using a CBD Isolate based product. This interaction between cannabinoids and the ECS system helps to regain and then maintain homeostasis, which promotes healing. This ECS is known as a signaling system, and it monitors the overall body systems. If there is any instability within these systems, then a healthy and functioning ECS will return it to a balanced state. If this system is not working efficiently, then disease and health conditions occur, and the body systems will struggle to heal. When cannabinoids such as CBD are administered, the ECS is given a ‘boost.’ Cannabinoids produced by the body and those found in nature, are activators for the ECS and have a myriad of functions. The body produces its own cannabinoids known as endogenous cannabinoids, and are produced when the signal is received that they are needed. However, these often degrade rapidly. CBD is an exogenous cannabinoid produced outside of the human body, and offers a boost to the ECS like vitamin C does for the immune system.

The Best CBD for a Horse With Arthritis

Tree Fort Farms produces 100% organically farmed all-natural Full Spectrum CBD Extract.  Produced with 100% organic hemp seed oil as the carrier aggregate. Both veterinarians and animal caretakers are becoming more and more interested in using CBD products. So far, research shows us how CBD can be used as a tool to achieve health and healing. Aside from arthritis, consider using CBD to treat a variety of health issues. Research is showing that CBD has the following qualities:

  1.  Analgesic
  2.  Anti-inflammatory
  3.  Anti-anxiety
  4.  Antiemetic
  5.  Anti-tumoral
  6.  Anticonvulsant

CBD Dosage for Horses with Arthritis

A 150-200 mg dose is fairly standard for fully grown adult horses that weigh over 1100 lbs.  A 100 mg dose daily is recommended for a pony. Using a quality, full-spectrum CBD product for your horse offers your horse a path to comfort and ease. It is recommended that you consult your vet before you make any decisions.

Full Spectrum Extract 7500mg Equine CBD Oil – 4oz



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